Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Business Problem and Research Objectives Proposal

The Business Problem and Objectives - Research Proposal Example The Business Problem and Research Objectives The company has been offering supreme branded products in relation to fashion, home and beauty care markets. Moreover, the company with its rich quality products is recognised to be the oldest retailing departmental store in the global context for performing trading activities with its original name. After 175 years, the company is still renowned for its stylish and fashionable garments within the targeted consumer market. Furthermore, the company is well-known for employing some of the top designers and famous brand ambassadors like Jessica Gomes in its promotional tactics. The vision of the company has been to offer better shopping experiences to its customers each time they visit the departmental stores. Additionally, in order to flourish the business operations, the company is further required to maintain its brand through improved quality services. However, the company is observed to be involved with certain ethical issues in relation to its business operations. As a result, the company has also been recently criticised based on sexual harassment cases engaging its employees in Australia. The first case was identified as related to the promotional techniques used by the company in terms of advertisements which are considered to be unethical for eroticising as well as sexually exploiting children. In this regard, a case was filed with the Federal Court which is located in Sydney against DJs for sexualisation of children or minors in its promotional tactics. ... However, the company is observed to be involved with certain ethical issues in relation to its business operations. As a result, the company has also been recently criticised based on sexual harassment cases engaging its employees in Australia. The first case was identified as related to the promotional techniques used by the company in terms of advertisements which are considered to be unethical for eroticising as well as sexually exploiting children. In this regard, a case was filed with the Federal Court which is located in Sydney against DJs for sexualisation of children or minors in its promotional tactics. The executive director of Australia Institute also criticised the company for promoting its garment products by using sexualised images of children through ads on internet and flyers among others (Horin, 2007). There has also been a recent sexual harassment case lodged against the company by Kristy Fraser-Kirk, a 25 years old woman working as a junior publicist in DJs. She lo dged a complaint against the former chief executive officer of DJs named Mark Mclnnes for sexually harassing her. With respect to the complaint filed, she seeks to acquire 5% of the profit of DJs as well as 5% of the salary of Mclnnes which cost the company a considerable amount of expense to resolute the issue (Kontominas, 2010). 2. The Broad Problem Area The business problems which can be apparently observed with reference to the recent performances of DJs relates with its unethical business practices and management in relation to sexual harassment. It has been perceived that DJs was involved with promotional techniques or activities which included advertisements which were criticized as well as recognised to be unethical. These advertisings

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